55 Martha Williams Road Kimberly D Hicks is a resident. The name of Blake Spradlin is listed in the historical residence records. Precision Utility Inc was registered at this address. Larry A Hicks is associated with this address. Adams Equipment Service LLC is a consignee. Adams Equipment and Service LLC is a registered motor carrier. 2412142 is the
DOT number
144 Depot Street Effie Brannon, Rosa Grayson and thirteen other residents. Four persons, including Shirley Spann and Joan K Dupont, lived here in the past. Two companies were registered at this address, including Sovereign Health Care-buchanan, Sams Kelly M. Mary Ann Wood is associated with this address. Southern Traditions and Southern Traditions Nursing & Rehab was inspected by Occupational Safety and Health Administration
130 Philpot Road Annie Philpot, J Philpot and one other resident. Eight persons, including Edith E Diltz and Cynthia I Diltz-dolce, lived here in the past. Two companies were registered at this address, including Philpot Wood Hauling Inc, Three Boys Timber Inc. Two entities are associated with this address: Joseph C Philpot, Joseph C C. Three Boys Timber Inc is a registered motor carrier. 2064316 is the
DOT number. Philpot Wood Hauling Inc is a registered motor carrier. 1754057 is the
DOT number
4679 Buchanan Highway Jackie Dempsey and Stephanie J Dempsey are residents. Five persons, including Thomas S Singletary and Laura Bridges, lived here in the past. Jdc Cnc LLC was registered at this address. Two entities are associated with this address: Pamela Dempsey, Pamela. Domain ownership info for Jackie Dempsey
1434 Felton Rockmart Road Joey Hunt, Joseph Hunt and three other residents. The name of Jennifer Hunt is listed in the historical residence records. Hunt Trucking Inc was registered at this address. Two entities are associated with this address: Joseph C C, Joseph C Hunt. Joseph C Hunt is a registered motor carrier, doing business as Joey Hunt Trucking. 939792 is the
DOT number
90 Kelly Loop Road Jason H Hudgens, Lisa V Hudgens and one other resident. Three persons, including Janice Hudgens and Donna Hudgens, lived here in the past. Faith & Hope Farms Inc was registered at this address. Two entities are associated with this address: Jason Hudgens, Lisa. Jason Howard Hudgens is a registered motor carrier, doing business as Faith and Hope Farms Inc. 2543808 is the
DOT number
111 Felton Rockmart Road Amanda Kay Beasley, Nathaniel Gerald Beasley and one other resident. Wilburn Eugene Hand and Gene L Reese lived here in the past. Arrowhead Poultry & Cattle Inc was registered at this address. Two entities are associated with this address: Bradley Stewart, Bradley. Arrowhead Poultry & Cattle In received an SBA loan. First National Bank South is the lender's name. Wilburn Eugene Hand received an SBA loan. First Financial Bank is the lender's name
23 Poplar Street Anthony T Pope, Johnny C Pope and one other resident. Beverly Jane Sawyer and Curtis Pope lived here in the past. Jc Pope Trucking Company LLC was registered at this address. Pope Sr Johnny C is associated with this address. Johnny C Pope Sr is a registered motor carrier, doing business as Pope Trucking. 903852 is the
DOT number
80 DeHunt Drive Clyde Poovey is resident. Atlanta Structural Concrete Company was registered at this address. Three entities are associated with this address, including Kannarney Ricky, Mako William. Atlanta Structural Concrete was inspected by Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Atlanta Structural Concrete Co is a registered motor carrier. 541977 is the
DOT number
90 Walter Road Fallon Mccray, Jeffery D Mccray and one other resident. The name of Amanda L Hayes is listed in the historical residence records. Lill's Lake Inc was registered at this address. Jeffrey David David is associated with this address. Jeff Mccray is a registered motor carrier, doing business as Meff Mccray Grading & Hauling. 1086153 is the
DOT number